Outside the Box - To work with bees, they learned to think like them

15 min reading
5 months ago
Outside the box  - To work with bees, they learned to think like them

Success stories

Meet Gianmario Riganti and Alessandro Gamberoni, from Primal Bee. They are on a quest to put more bees on the trees. After observing bees thrive in the wild, they have engineered a beehive that could reverse the fate of bees in the world.

A large majority of the food we eat is produced thanks to the little seen work of pollinators. With a growing earth population to feed, the high estimate of honeybees mortality is a wake-up call.

Like many beekeepers around the world, Gianmario and Alessandro have seen their bees die, year after year. Determined to understand these unexplained loss, they reverse engineered a beehive prioritising bees natural needs and instincts. Alex and Gianmario are on a quest to revolutionise the beekeeping industry with their nature-inspired PrimalBee® Hive.

In November 2022, InTent crossed path with Gianmario and Alessandro during an Innovate 4 Nature day. Their story immediately caught our attention. What inspired us in that they deeply believe and understand that, in order to successfully work with bees, they have to think like them, even if it means redefining the standards of their industry. One year after our first encounter with them, we are excited to share their story with you, as a short documentary. 

Outside the box
© InTent
" We can be - for beekeeping - what Ford has been for the horse carriage industry. It doesn't exist anymore: it has been replaced by a better technology."
Alessandro Gamberoni

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