The InTent Internship Programme (#IIP) connects students from leading universities with startups and NGOs innovating for a fairer, nature-positive and more resilient world. It bridges academic excellence with impact-driven projects through sponsored summer internships.
What is the Internship Programme (#IIP)?
#IIP builds bridges between smart, impact-driven students (Bachelor, Master, MBA) from leading universities and game-changing organisations based in the European Union, United Kingdom or Switzerland that innovate for a nature-positive, healthier, more resilient world.
For startups and NGOs it offers an exciting opportunity to drive your business to the next level or develop a solution for a challenging issue by hiring a dynamic, passionate and talented intern throughout the summer of 2025.As a student you are part of an exclusive global community of students. During the internship you benefit from inspiring talks, workshops and our final Innovation & Sustainability Summit.
What does the paid internship cover?
The allowance is designed to provide a competitive salary for the intern. The allowance will vary depending on the country in which your organization is based plus we support the selected interns with a travel allowance for the Innovation & Sustainability Summit 2025.
Step 1: Call for projects/selection process
Where can I submit my project and when is the deadline for submitting a project?
Call for Projects already started and will end end of February 2025.
How many projects can I submit?
You can submit a maximum of two proposals. To do so, you will need to complete our form twice.
Can I submit the same project I have submitted in former editions if it was not selected?
Yes, you can please use our project submission form.
What should my proposals include and where can I submit them?
All the information can be found on the project submission form.
How do projects get selected?
Once all submissions are received, we check the project proposals of these pre-selected organizations and further select the ones with the proposals we believe most suited to help the intern grow both professionally and personally.
What happens with the data submitted in the registration form?
The personal information you provide will be used solely for evaluating your application, communicating with you about the programme, and notifying you of relevant opportunities. We process your data based on your consent, and it will not be shared externally except with trusted service providers who comply with GDPR. Your data will be stored securely and retained only for the duration of the programme or as required by law. You have the right to access, modify, or delete your data at any time by contacting By submitting this form, you consent to the processing of your personal data as outlined in the form. We are GDPR-compliant. Please also see our data privacy information on our page:
What are my responsibilities if my project gets selected for a paid internship?
If your project gets selected, you are expected to strictly follow the guidelines indicated in Steps 2, 3 and 4 below.
Step 2: Once your project is selected
How will I find out if my project is selected?
All project owners will be contacted directly by email to confirm whether their project was selected or not latest by end of 2nd week of March 2025.
What will happen if my project is selected?
If your project is selected, we will ask you to fill in a job description based on our template. We will then upload the job description on a recruitment platform and provide you with login details to monitor the student applications that you will receive.
Can I advertise the selected project on my own to find the right candidate?
Yes, you can use your own career page, social media channels and any other channels to create awareness for your sponsored project.
How will the interview round work?
You will receive student applications via the recruitment platform. You will be in charge of carrying out the interview rounds with the profiles that seem to be a right fit. Once you’ve made your decision on the final candidate, we also request to have a short bilateral call with the selected candidate before officially accepting the intern as part of the IIP edition 2025.
Step 3: Once you have chosen the ideal candidate
Who makes the employment contract?
Thats the responsibility of each organisation.
Will I have to sign a contract with InTent?
We will provide you with a sponsorship agreement and a programme regulations document in due time. These documents will state the role and responsibilities of both parties and the payment terms and timeline. They will have to be signed between your company, your intern and InTent.
Step 4: During the Programme
Will support be provided during the internship?
You and your organisation are responsible for the project, the supervision and the outcome of the internship. InTent is taking care of the community experience.
Will there be any specific activities during the internship?
Beside some talks and workshop(s) during the internship time there will be 2 major events, the Kick-Off event & the Summit, we are keen on building an InTent culture and community. We are aware that your intern must deliver your project but at the same time we want to give students the feeling they are part of a community and can build meaningful and impactful relationships.
What are the Kick-Off and Summit 2025 about?
Right at the start and end of the #IIP, your intern will get together with all the other interns to discuss their respective projects, and draw inspiration from cutting-edge content related to sustainability and systemic change.
Who can I contact for more information?